Creating and refining materials

On this page:

Creating new material

  1. Click Create new material.

  2. Select the GradeUnit, and Lesson that contain the material you want to adjust.

  1. Click Get started.
    Information about the lesson, and the student materials used in it will appear.

  1. Select the material you want to work with.
    The full material will appear.

  1. Click Tailor, and then select the tool you want to use.

  1. Specify the settings you want to use to create your material and click Create it.

  2. Review the new material to ensure it meets your needs. If it doesn’t, consider refining the material.

AI tools and settings

Each tool has its own settings that help you achieve the results you want. 


Similar problems

Generate new questions that follow the style, structure, and difficulty of the existing IM problems. 


Number of problems to create: Select how many new problems you want to create.

Emphasis: Select the skill or focus area you'd like to highlight in the new problems. 

  • Procedural skill and fluency: Problems that focus on practicing specific mathematical procedures.

  • Conceptual understanding: Problems that emphasize deeper comprehension of math concepts.

  • Real-World application: Problems that ask students to apply mathematical concepts in practical, real-life scenarios.

  • No special emphasis: This option generates problems that are similar to the last saved problem.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could specify a student interest to write the problems around, specify that you want multiple choice problems, etc.


Previous skill practice

Generate problems that target previously learned skills, reinforcing foundational knowledge and helping students connect past learning to new concepts. 


Number of problems to create: Select how many new problems you want to create.

Skill to practice: Specify what skill(s) you want students to practice by working on the new problems.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could specify a student interest to write the problems around, specify that you want multiple choice problems, etc.


Extension problems

Generate complex problems that build on students' current understanding, challenging them to apply their knowledge in new ways. 


Number of problems to create: Select how many new problems you want to create.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could specify a student interest to write the problems around, specify that you want multiple choice problems, etc.


Problem types

Change existing questions into a variety of formats to encourage diverse problem-solving approaches. You can create word problems, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended questions.


Problem format: Select the type of problem you want to change the problems in the source material into.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could use this field to specify that you want to create 2 new problems for every existing problem.


Step-by-step examples

Produce fully solved examples of the materials that walk students through the problem-solving process, demonstrating how to approach and resolve similar problems on their own. You can add a problem solving method such as working backwards, guess and check, solve an equation, etc. that you’d like the worked examples to demonstrate.


Problem solving method: Describe the strategy you want illustrated in the example. E.g., you could specify that you want to use a guess and check or work backwards method.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could specify a student interest to write the problems around, specify that you want multiple choice problems etc.


Guiding questions

Develop additional questions and prompts to guide students through the material to achieve deeper engagement and comprehension during instruction. 


More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could specify the type of response you are hoping to get from students by asking these questions.


Steps to solve

Create detailed, step-by-step guides that outline specific methods students can use to solve problems. 


More details: Add any details about what you want to create. E.g., You could specify that you want to include steps that show how to convert a word problem into an equation before solving it.


Key terms

Identify and clarify challenging or unfamiliar terms in the lesson, providing concise explanations that help students grasp essential vocabulary. 


More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you might specify the reading level of the explanations or add a list of terms you want to include beyond what is in the source material.


Reading level

Adjust the reading level of instructional materials, simplifying or enhancing the text to match students' literacy levels while keeping the mathematical content consistent. 


Reading Level: Specify the target reading level you want Math Tailor to use in rewriting the source material.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could specify that the original math terms are kept as is, but a reading level appropriate definition be included.


Language translation

Select the language you want to translate math problems into, ensuring that the original context, complexity, and rigor are maintained for multilingual students.


Target Language: Select the language you want to translate the source material into.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could specify that the original math terms are included in parentheses after the translated term to build student mastery of the English terms.


Student interest

Rewrite IM curriculum topics in a way that connects with students' interests and experiences, making the material more engaging and relevant.


Topic of student interest: Specify the student interest you want to use in the rewrite of the source Material.

More details: Add details about what you want to create. E.g., you could add a fun fact about the topic to each problem in the source material.



This is a flexible, open-ended option to create or modify materials according to your specific needs.


Instructions: Specify what you want to create and details that are important to you. E.g., you could create a study guide with all word problems about a specific topic, and specify how long you want the study guide to be.

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